Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Seven Months Old

This is a bit of a strangely timed one, since Little Miss was born on the 31st, so February didn't really have a '7 month' day.

She Loves...
Her cuddly toy giraffe
My Pal Violet
Following me around the house
'The Wheels on the Bus'
Bath time
Food! (on the floor, in her hair, rubbed into her clothes...)
The 'Astronomically Correct' version of Twinkle Twinkle

She Can...
Sit unaided without falling over
Move pretty quickly, even if there is still no coordinated hand movement
Make my heart melt with a smile
Soak everything in the vicinity at bath time
Go longer than two hours without a feed at night (this one has made a HUGE difference!)

She Has...
Moved up to the 6-13 month group at baby sensory
Started weekly swimming lessons
Eaten a little bit of (mild) curry and naan bread (which she absolutely loved!)
Very rosy cheeks and ridges that looks suspiciously like emerging teeth on her gums
Moved into her own room at night
Been on a swing for the first time
Started carrying things around in her mouth when she moves, a bit like a puppy!

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