Where has all that time gone? I can't believe we are less than a month away from Little Miss' first birthday. Party plans are already underway (as well as a few other big changes), but here's a quick update from the last month.
She Has
6 teeth, still. No more this month.
Started offering things to us, although she doesn't always let go if we try to take them!
Becomes obsessed with the straps on her pram. She loves climbing up to play with them.
Not breastfed for a month. She now has two bottles a day.
Been to the zoo again, and to a farm.
She Can
Stand unsupported for about 5 seconds
Sleep through the night!Walk holding one hand for support, although she's not that interested in doing so, so I think it will be a while yet until she is walking on her own.Point when she would like something. It's lovely being able to tell what has captured her attention. Do a great hand movement if someone says the word spider, although she thinks it's another type of wave, rather than an animal!Dance! She likes bopping up and down to music and waving her hands.
She Loves
Spending the day with Nanna and Gramps while Mummy is at work
Splashing in the paddling pool
Strawberries and peaches
Going in the swing (and she has started to cry if I take her out before she is ready!
Balloons and she's making a good attempt at saying the word, too.
Her books. Especially 'Guess How Much I Love You', which she always points to.
Shaking toys to make a sound.
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