Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Choosing a Highchair

Little Miss is very nearly 6 months old, which means we will soon be venturing into the as-yet uncharted territory of Baby Led Weaning and finger food. But first, we need to pick a high chair. Here are the three I am currently considering, with their pros and cons:

My SIL swears by this one as it's so easy to clean. It is also incredibly cheap, so I could easily buy a second one for at my mum's house too. But I'm not sure if we have room for a highchair that's permanently up.

It's a prettier version of the Antilop but quadruple the price! I do love how it looks though and I like the fact that it can be adjusted to the height of our table and can be used as a seat when Little Miss no longer needs the tray. However, the main point against it at the moment is that it will take up even more room than the Antilop.

I was almost ready to click 'buy' on this one until I read the reviews. Apparently the straps are near enough impossible to remove and clean properly. Everyone stresses how messy BLW is, so I'm not sure this is very practical. I do love that it folds up though, so that I can put it away between meal times.

Any thoughts? Which style of highchair did you opt for? 

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