Saturday, 31 January 2015

Six Months Old Today!

I know it's cliche to say it, but how has six months passed already? I cannot believe I have been a mummy for half a year, or that we are half way to Little Miss's first birthday! Here is a little update of her life so far. 

She Loves....
Making lots of noise and blowing raspberries (happy ones, frustrated ones and, I'm fairly certain, 'yeah, right, mum' ones)
Being on her feet but won't bounce in her jumper
Being carried
Bath time
Baby Sensory

She Can...
Roll both ways
Sit for almost a minute without help
Almost crawl (there's no arm/leg co-ordination yet, but she can travel forwards pretty quickly!)

She has...
Eaten (and decorated with): carrot, runner beans, cucumber, peas, sweetcorn, pear, mango, grapes, baby porridge and Yeo Valley yoghurts and, for the first time today, bread
No teeth (but plenty of teething)
Been swimming once (and loved it)
Been to the zoo
Never slept through a whole night but has woken up once in the night three times (small victories!)
Blue eyes and lots of fair hair

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